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Saturday, April 6, 2013

You Don't Have To Keep Smoking Forever

Do you want to learn how to quit smoking? Do you feel like smoking is a very unhealthy habit and you feel bad keeping this habit? Then you're in the right place as this article is filled with tips that can help you become a better person and quit smoking.

Don't expect yourself to be perfect about quitting. It's hard to stop smoking, and most people have intense cravings from time to time while they are quitting or even backslide once or twice. Don't beat yourself up if you give into temptation. Just get back on track as soon as possible and keep working on quitting.

When quitting smoking, you must learn to manage your stress. Once smoking is no longer an option, turn to healthier outlets such as massage therapy, long walks in your favorite park, listening to relaxing music, or meditation. Find something you can do that provides near-instant gratification so that you'll be less tempted to turn to smoking when things get tough.

Smoking is a habit and habits are ingrained mostly in the mind. There are some real physical discomforts resulting from nicotine withdrawal, but the first step of quitting is to really want to. First you must be absolutely convinced that you want to stop smoking, and after that quitting will be easier.

To help you quit smoking you should join a support group. By joining a support group you are around other people who are dealing with the same issues as you. Not only that, they will be there to help support you when that urge to smoke arises. Usually people in these groups have quit before so they can tell you the things to avoid.

Using all of the advice from this article you should now have a better perspective on what smoking is all about and how it can harm you. The tips you acquired don't have to be limited to you alone, you can share this knowledge with anyone else that can benefit from learning this knowledge as well.

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